The GPAI Paris Summit : making the AI community a physical reality

The creation of a new and effective AI community is confirmed at the second GPAI Summit

The GPAI Summit, hosted at the Institut de France in Paris on 11 & 12 November, was a hybrid event attended by approximatively 1250 delegates on J1 and 700 on J2. Its aim was to promote the responsible use of artificial intelligence for the benefit of human rights, inclusion, diversity, innovation and economic growth.

On 11 and 12 November, international experts on artificial intelligence from civil society, academia, industry and government, came together for the second Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit in Paris. The event provided these experts with opportunity platform to talk about their work and goals for advancing the responsible development of AI. There were able interact through discussion and share perspectives as the basis for cooperating over the construction of collaborative projects. In effect, the Paris Summit was the opportunity to make this community a physical reality.

Marking the culmination of eighteen months of work, this meeting also provided a forum for the five Working Groups of experts to present the latest developments in their work and projects. The five Working Groups consist of Responsible AI (with an ad-hoc subgroup on AI and Pandemics Responses), Data Governance, Future of Work, Innovation & Commercialisation. There was certainly no shortage of proposals, recommendations and analyses from the Working Groups during this Summit.

Work on the five central topics

The Responsible AI Working Group has set up a Climate Action and Biodiversity Protection Committee to begin examining and assessing the potential of AI in the battle to contain global warming. This Working Group proposes to collect appropriate data and measure the environmental impact of AI, develop assessment tools and publish guidelines and best practices. The ad-hoc sub-group on AI and Pandemic Response presented a roadmap for encouraging innovation and persuading the public sector to support research in drug discovery areas where the market fails to solve urgent problems.

In Data Governance, the Working Group has focused particularly on promoting the creation of data trusts that empower individuals and communities by developing resources needed to defend their data rights. It has also worked on the concept of data justice with the aim of building a framework that will provide fair access, representation and transparency of data useful for the development of AI. 

The Future of Work Group has been looking at how AI technology resources are being used to facilitate decent and fairer work. Its aim is to implement the operational business processes required for the principles around fairness to be “applied, measured and assessed in any workplace”. 

Lastly, the Innovation and Commercialization Working Group has focused its efforts on SMEs, which can often be at a disadvantage when implementing AI solutions. Agriculture is central to its work as it aims to create an Internet portal. This portal will provide a gateway to a library classified by topics, such as good practice and farm digitalisation.

Informing public debate and national governments 

The 11/12 November GPAI Summit also included additional sessions to facilitate the formation of external partnerships; an essential condition for the success of this initiative and the achievement of maximum global exposure and coverage. Next, GPAI intends to broaden its scope of action topics, with the aim of making an even larger contribution to public debate, and informing governments on complex and evolving issues. 

In this respect, the statements made at the Paris Peace Forum by French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stressed the need for the GPAI and highlighted the extent to which the work of experts is welcomed by Heads of State and Governments to inform their decisions around AI and digital issues.

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